Well, the temperature has returned to normal, I'm getting to used to that ''freezing-then-boiling'' routine now!
Had a nice day, managed to light the fire, been curled up in front of it all day. Also started the day cautiously with toast, by 4pm had soup , whoohoo!
Had a call about going in to Usk House on the 8th to get assessed for my complementary therapies, yay :)) And a lady from there called me to ask if I wanted to see if I could claim any DLA whilst poorly...? She said she had seen my notes and could possibly get something due to the fibromyalgia which is probably exacerbated by the lymphoma ... ?? She did say that people with cancer find it difficult to claim, as the DSS (or whatever they're called) often say it's not the cancer, if it's not an obviously debilitating one, that's causing any ill effects, but the chemo/RT etc. Cheeky bastards!! Anyway, I won't rant on because I'm simply gobsmacked, whilst at the same time, not surprised, if that makes sense!
Bit headachy and sleepy so off to get some cocodomol .....
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, you can be in charge of the heater/air conditioning in the car!
ReplyDeleteYou're also in charge of when we go and when we come back so send us a text with your going out requirements and I shall try to oblige :) xxx