Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Had chemo #5 ... but the Heath hospital didn't get it together to send results in time so I won't know til next Wednesday when I go in for the Boob Tube Flush - hopefully!!
Sat with high temp and lots of cold orange juice feeling bit disappointed but hey, no news is good news n all that jazz ... :)
Currently the plan is to complete cycle 3 (had 3a today - no, they *can't* call them 1,2,3,4 etc!), possibly 4 depending on results... then have assessment at Velindre to see if need radiotherapy - the final decision will be made at a team meeting on the 21st. . . so may get away with stopping at 3 cycles, will know by time go in for 3b.
Bit hot and bothered so off to lie down again :)


  1. How EXASPERATING!!! :-(((

    Sending love and hugs, (((Em)))...N

  2. Huh, well, grrrrr ... never mind :(
