Saturday, 1 October 2011

Naps and harvests and visits

After Deri went to school yesterday & today, I went to bed again. Today I got up at 12, went to post some letters and went to see Deri's school Harvest play at the church - which was very sweet! The lovely Martine came over this evening - with delicious pizza! I had a nice nap on sofa afterwards as didn't quite get to bed and dozed off instead! Ahem.
So thought I'd be very naughty and catch up on the diary. Off to snooze again now as Deri at my mums so can have lie in and then wait for Ems to come over for lunch! I am enjoying my relaxation days :) AND.... loving my fab friends!


  1. Did you take any photos of Deri's play?? If so be sure and post them!

  2. It was 2 days after chemo so I was too tired to think about anything except getting there lol! xx
