Friday, 2 December 2011

Went in to get 'clerked' for Monday, ended up with biopsy results

Evening folks.

I don't know what the stats are for misdiagnosis, but apparently I DON'T have Hodgkins, I have NON Hodgkins (diffuse T cell blah blah).

So I will have 6 - 8 treatments with this new bag, which isn't strictly chemo, it an anti-body that begins with R. And 3 goes at IGEV, with next week being the 2nd. So I get 'R' this Monday, then the following Wed when I'm home (pop in to ward for morning) then again on 21st, then a week off for xmas ... also will have dates set soon for stem cell extraction.

I feel a bit gutted, as I was just getting my head around have HL! Which may sound stupid, but that's how it is ...

I didn't ask if much difference in prognosis, just went off to get the forms filled in ready for going in. I don't need to go in on Sunday night as I don't have a ''bulky mass'' on my neck this time, so can just turn up 9am on Monday.

I've told my mother what the schedule is but not about change in diagnosis coz I can't deal with her high level anxiety. I just had to chill her out anyway as my 13 yr old was trying to sneak off to stay with her girl friend at a boy's house (differing stories let them down) and I tried joking about teens and my mum turned it into a scary event all about boys and men planning something 'dreadful'. Fucks sake, teens do this type of thing, ie: sneaking, and pulling a fast one. Boys may indeed try it on, but the way she went on she made it sound like a paedophile ring!

Anyway. My 13 yr old has been delivered to her friend's house where her mum is keeping them in!

And I may open the vodka.

That is all xx


  1. Just wanted to say hi and send love.
    You're on my mind and in my heart.

  2. Hi :) And THANK YOU!! XXXXX

    By the way everyone - fuck it! I'm carrying on and got more fire in my belly now so they had better watch out, both Mr Lumpy and the docs!!! ;)

  3. (((Emma))), sending power vibes to join with your 'fire in the belly!'

    The image of Gandalf came to mind - on the bridge in Lord of the Rings? I hear you both booming "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!"

    Absolutely no f**king way does this alter your rapid recovery!!!!!!

    Love you!!!!

  4. Nancy my lovely shining star! Yes i LOVE that image! :)) And no it F***ing doesn't! Love You too! xxx
