Well. I was given another reflexology appointment for today - and offered to go along all day to take part in their Thursday coffee morning and craft session! Hmmm. Well, they looked at me so expectantly and all smiley and I am getting free therapies, so I did it!
Sat on a red minibus picking up very elderly people, made crafts with more people, some of them slightly less elderly - actually met Sheila, a very chirpy cheeky and mumsy Irish lady who made me laugh! One of the craft ladies leading the session was my eldest daughter's boyfriends aunt?!?
I did make some very funky things with felt and blanket stitching and wished I had time to do this instead of working - oh, hang on..............................
Then we had our free lunch (very care home - sorry!) by which time I was morphing from a patient to a carer HAHA! Then some delightful reflexology and bantered with Loud Anne (another patient) who wants to be Boss HAHAHA! back on the minibus, and got home feeling very relaxed, but VERY weird!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, FIRSTLY - I had a plan, courtesy of Nancy, to talk to Deri to get her to view the tubes as USEFUL and friendly not as something mummy has to ''endure'' - and the counsellor agreed with my plan - so (and here is where my writing and/or O level Drama came in useful) , I decided to talk to her on the way to school =
"Mummy is going to see the doctor later for a checkup. I was very happy last time I went." 'why?' " Because I was having medicine and I thought about how lucky I was to have my tubes" look of bafflement from Deri. 'whys that mummy?' "Well, the man next to me had to have 3 big needles injected in him for his medicine, which took ages and hurt him a bit, and he asked why I was ready earlier than him. So I told him about my tubes and how they make the medicine go in faster and I don't need to have needles every time I go in. He said he was quite jealous and was going to ask his doctor if he could have tubes. And the lady opposite me said her tubes were useful and it was only a bit annoying when you were in the bath but she's glad she has them so we were both happy together and the man thinks he should get some too." Thoughtful expression from Deri.
So I let that filter down through the day. During dinner this evening, at which mum and stepdad were here (and I had explained to them my hopefully Cunning Plan), Deri said to me - 'mum, have you told nan about (stage whisper) the man with the three needles?' So of course I had to re-tell my story to my mother, who was fab and said 'Oh Yes, I expect he was very jealous and maybe next time you'll see him he'll have tubes too' - but it seems the Cunning Plan is already working?
Let's see what happens over the next couple of night re:anxiety...?
Hope the plan works! And, no more scary snake dreams for Deri!!! :-)