Wednesday, 17 August 2011

First Day of Chemo ...

Well, I went to bed late, and had a fairly ok sleep with odd dreams that slipped away as soon as I woke up. My alarm went off on my phone and I saw I already had best wishes from some friends and colleagues... so very thoughtful!!!
I packed a book and some mints and a shawl and my mum and stepdad dropped me off.
I headed into the ward, and was again struck by how nice, normal, laid-back and calm the staff are there. (Thank you Staff!!)
Hooked me up, put anti-sickness, steroids and Piriton through me, then the ABVD drugs one at a time. One is another short drip, two were the biggest syringes I have ever seen!, and then one more drip which took 2 hours.
I played some apps on phone, then Sascha came to see me with gossip, gorgeous new scarf and books to borrow, and then when she left I talked to the man opposite ... we made jokes about hair loss, he said he's old and grey so doesn't care but it felt like maybe he did a little anyway... I said that no hair and being better is fine by me although of course it hasn't happened yet so maybe I'll need to eat my words! ;)  I had a referral made to wig shop in Usk and to the ward psychologist for offering support to my girls. A wig? Hmmm. I think I'll order a funky one to keep my options open, but if all the hair goes, I think I'll be more likely to go for scarves around head!
So, I feel tired, but not dreadfully, and woozy from all the pirition! Mum & Bry gave me lift home, kids put food in oven that my mum had dropped off, Pedro came over for few hours to check on me and nag me to REST, which I am - I am perfecting the lounging about on sofa; I think I can take to this being waited on quite well! ;)
I have taken the preventative sickness pill, and will keep doing so as it easier to prevent than cure once you start feeing sick. Just about to check my temperature, which I must now do every morning and tea time to check I am not having any reactions/infections etc.... I had better set my alarm on my phone twice a day so I remember!!
I feel....... ok you know? It was weird being on the ward for first time in one way, but only because it was new , and the staff and Sascha made it very normal. The tiredness seems to be, in part, an after effect of worry and wondering ... who knows how the drugs themselves are affecting me? As the nurse said today - some folk go home and sleep for 3 days, others go home and start decorating the house! Stay smiling, be positive, that's my motto - after all, when else would have I had 3 hours where I HAD to do nothing except relax/read etc in a giant armchair and get fed coffee, biscuits and sandwiches from the staff?? ;)
My lovely  mum and stepdad have now taken Deri off til Sunday morning (this was planned months ago, did I say that already??) - so another big-up to them!!
So, off to lurk on the sofa now,drink my coffee, maybe have a snack, and see what tomorrow brings... :)


  1. Pleased to hear it went well for you, (((Emma))). Keep resting and soaking up all the loving support!!!
