Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Chemo #2 postponed until tomorrow!!!

Had a call at 8.45am today ... white blood cell count too low to have chemo today but could I go in for an injection (first of 6) to ensure I could have chemo tomorrow instead?
Bloody hell!!! I'll be a pin cushion lol!
So I have these needles which i can self-administer for 6 days with Sat and Sun as a gap, so I did the first one at the hospital and was quite nervous as HATE needles but didn't feel a thing! There ARE good reasons for having my ''muffin top''!!
Doc confirmed the CT scan results - it is early stage 2A - in neck and a few towards chest - and she commented how much smaller my neck is already ... phew!!!
Then another nurse who works with research docs asked if I would agree to give more blood and allow part of my original biopsy to go for research, particularly as so many of my family have had cancer... yup I said.
My would was a bit red and weepy to a nurse took a swab to see if i will need antibiotics (why not have more drugs after all?!) and cleaned it up and put a dry dressing on instead of those see through ones which may have been making it sweat...
So, tomorrow instead now, inject myself in the morning, then off for round 2!!
I think that's what so annoying is that you can't really plan to do much, can you?? Never mind...
So, big hugs to us all, and try again tomorrow! :)) xxx


  1. I should also add that my super mum and stepdad have gutted, cleaned, painted and ripped up the carpet/replaced with lino - my bathroom today!!! :D How fab is that?!

  2. So the things that should go quickly (getting info, getting seen, being treated) are progressing quite fast, which is good, whilst your pesky naughty cells haven't had chance to progress much further which is good! Big hugs xx

  3. Yes it's all good! And the referral to the psychologist went through as she called me today to say she would be in Abergavenny tomorrow if that wasn't too short notice and I said no, as so will I be! I booked her as I thought the big girls may need some support and/or someone to vent at who wasn't 'known' to them etc? Plus I may well need to call on her services too at some point? So at least now we are booked in with her as a family should we need her :) I think I'll book some sessions for the girls unless they are really really adamant they don't want to, as it will give them a chance to ask questions etc. AND to perhaps not have to pretend to be as brave as they are ;)

  4. Again it sounds as if the things that should be happening fast are, which is great. I think the idea that things are booked and ready to go if needed is much better than not booked until needed. I see your support nets are being weaved around you xxx

  5. p.s. I think you might need to adjust your time on your blog, I was fast asleep at 3am ;)

  6. You are amazing, (((Emma))).... doing so well! Thanks for sharing all this with us so we know exactly what you're going through... sending love and hugs!

  7. Mars, how DO I change those annoying times?? lol! xxx

  8. (((Nancy)))
    Thank YOU for being there too!! xx
