Monday, 7 May 2012

Bank Holidays and Countdowns

Well, it's mostly raining so it MUST be a bank holiday ;) Looking forward to a few things this week ... coffee at Lynne's Wed morning before I have tubes flushed (haha not for long!!) and then coffee and catch up with LM on Wednesday after we have both had our appointments... haven't seen each other since before we both went in for ops and transplants so we can have a more relaxed coffee and not pretend we're not scared haha :)) Thursday my favourite midwife is taking me to lunch!! How spoiled am I? I was moaning about how long it will take to get check up etc and suddenly we're already 1 week into May which means it's only 6 weeks til I go to the Heath again?! I'll try to remember this week when I'm down the Windsor suite being flushed, to ask if I'll be having scans etc or if they can just tell from bloods, which seems unlikely to me but then who knows! Saying SHUSH to the What-If's because I can't be worrying about nonsense like that for the next 6/7 weeks! My legs are now normal, apart from the mottled skin, but at least I don't look like some frantic skin-shedding freak any more ;-) I'm putting cream on my hands and face as they are stil a bit dry. My energy levels are still low but much better and I can pootle around more now. Looking forward to doing stuff in the summer now, when I'll be even more 'myself' ;) I have a house full of my free range teens and their boyfriends today! Deri is lurking with Broni and hers coz they are watching Harry Potter and I am in my room with my feet up on the sofa :)) Megz wants to go clothes shopping and Ben doesn't and they don't know what else to do so they've ended up cleaning and clearing her room hahaha! If only it wasn't raining, I'd have them mowing the VERY overgrown lawn ;) My mother had some tests and it seems it is not angina which is good, but her lungs aren't functioning properly so probably get more pills! Bryan's hip hurts lots so we need to get him to the GP coz he's beinga 'bloke' and won't go; Aunti Phyl (Bry's last living relative at 93 yrs old) is deteriorating and so they're going to check on her, in Devon, tomorrow..she won't go into hospital in case she doesn't come back out bless her. So sending all of them healing hugs and blesings too! The donations for the Race for Life keep increasing! HUGE thank you's to everyone for being so generous... I am looking forward to it very much!! I think a nap might be in order, although it'll be light coz Deri is lurking!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy putting your feet up! Sending hugs your way xxx
