Oh my gosh I HAVE been lazy with my diary!
But then, the girls have been off school and I have lazed around *with* them and/or been ferrying them around! ;)
And I have had visitors and been to meet friends in cafes, and had a lot of Pyjama Days.
I have been quite well physically, my meds came to an end and didn't need anymore, been eating well and only had a sore throat for a few days - have had a week or so of waking up Very Hot at night with a sweaty head but temp has been fine. My 'R' day last week went well, just zonked out form the piriton! Went in yesterday for bloods and line care, and now wait for the in patient thing again next Monday (9th) which is same day the kids go back to school, which is handy.
Have been getting myself in a right old pickle re: the stem cell transplant. Really not focused and quite wobbly about it all; then it came to me in a flash last night = look, so far, I have coped with all sorts of treatment and NOT had awful side effects and responded well to everything. SO - I can face the stem cell stuff in same way surely? I think its being in hospital for 2 or 3 weeks that's worrying me - how the hell will Deri and my mum cope? etc. Anyway, they will have to, and I will recruit help from friends to break up the 2/3 week stint etc.
I am going back in on Monday as I mentioned, for my 3rd and final week of IGEV. At least I know it won't be any worse physically than last time!! I feel I need to mention to them that I have been stressed about new diagnosis and get some assurances from them, as far as you can with pissflapping cancer etc, just to talk things through may help. I MAY have my bone marrow biopsy results back.. eek! (more appendages crossed). I then go in for the day on 23rd to local hossie for bloods. Then I go back and forth to the Heath on 24/25/26th (unless they get enough stem cells in 1/2 days) as day patient to have my stem cells 'harvested'. Sounds like something out of star trek! Then I guess they will give me the dates for going in for the stem cell 'transplant' - could be in for 2 or 3 weeks! I hope they can do it in Feb or March and get it out of the way! I'll be like a wet rag for quite a while when I come out apparently. BUT - it's the best way to reach remission so they tell me, so yeh, bring it on!! (grins nervously)
Spent a lovely NYE with lovely friends and only missed having a cig with them outside once, the rest of the time was quite happy sipping my G&T!
The night before NYE I went over to have a catch up with my friend next door. They are craftsfolk, always busy making their products and they always inspire me. I was having a discussion about being frustrated as I no longer have a room with a desk where I can create stuff since I moved my bedroom into the spare sitting room. She started coming up with ideas using the stone sheds outside but I don't have the money to spend lining it and heating it etc... then I thought, how about the landing? Full of c**p and some chests of drawers of mine etc ...
Anyway, on 1st Jan, I went up there; bookshelf with some books I don't want/need anymore. Have half of them sat waiting for new home now - freecycle or charity shop, the half I want are now downstairs with my other books. Moved suitcases from behind my old chest of drawers (covered in multi-coloured paint - kids used to have it, it's ancient and can be utilised!) and pushed chest back against wall - perfect for using as table for being creative! Then placed the small metal shelving unit, now empty of books, next to it - next job is now to empty the drawers of clothes - keep some, chuck others out, put the one I keep elsewhere - I will then have a workspace :)) I have a spare chair up there too.
What d'ya mean, who helped move stuff? ............Ahem.
So, looking forward to now to getting creative - make some of my lovely lanterns with pressed flowers/leaves etc, make some more cards to sell, etc. I want to get into making soap too, which will involve being in kitchen mostly but the materials can be kept in my 'Landing Workshop' haha! xxx
Good luck for next week! xxx
ReplyDeleteSo glad you found yourself a crafty space, (((Emma))). I'm up to my elbows in papier mache myself!
ReplyDeleteI'll be thinking of you this week! You are amazing!