Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Work World?

So, a 'normal' day then. Drop Deri at breakfast club, get to work, switch on computer and kettle. Thankful got all the 'hellos' and 'how are yous' and 'are you oks' out of the way yesterday! ;)
No meetings booked or planned so I can take it easy, but I was Tired after lunch!
Maybe this was also due to a purge last night - I had a row with the teens... I think we were all tired and stressed and emotional and it all just bubbled over... but we were all hugging, crying, laughing and saying we loved each other by the end of it. I think it was needed in a way, and I haven't cried since the morning after the diagnosis so I let myself sob and feel sorry for myself - following on from the release from the shouting it was a good emotional purge indeed! And the hugs and the love afterwards - just lovely ...

1 comment:

  1. A cathartic moment was clearly needed, (((Em)))... good to hear about this.
